Old Colony Hospice
321 Manley Street
West Bridgewater, MA 02379

Region: Southeast

Also serving: MetroWest, Boston

Old Colony Hospice

Description of resource: Old Colony Hospice has been providing caring, compassionate hospice care for over 30 years and we are proud to serve 45 Massachusetts cities and towns in our service area. We are a free-standing, non-profit, Medicare certified, accredited health care organization that provides the following services through a core staff of registered nurses, social workers, counselors, volunteers and hospice aides and nutritional consultants.

Our team of physicians, nurses, home health aides, social workers, spiritual and bereavement counselors, dietitians, pharmacists, and volunteers has been caring for patients and their loved ones in partnership with the patient’s primary care physician.

Contact: Toni Eaton, President and CEO
Phone: 800-370-1322
email: TEaton@oldcolonyhospice.com
website: http://www.oldcolonyhospice.org


Services provided:

Bereavement Bereavement
Education Education
Financial Financial
Hospice Hospice
Palliative Care Palliative Care
Spirituality Spirituality
Support Group/Counseling Support Group/Counseling