Coastline Elderly Services, Inc.
1646 Purchase Street
New Bedford, MA 02740

Region: Southeast

Coastline Elderly Services, Inc.

Description of resource: Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. is an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), as well as an Aging Services Access Point (ASAP) in Massachusetts. We provide a wide range of supportive services to enable older people to live independently in the community. These services include support for caregivers of older adults.

Languages: Cape Verdean, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish
Other: Medical equipment bank/free supplies

Contact: Amy Leduc, AAA Planner
Phone: 508-999-6400


Services provided:

Alzheimer's/Dementia Alzheimer's/Dementia
Bereavement Bereavement
Complementary Health Complementary Health
Education Education
Financial Financial
Home Support Home Support
Language Language
Legal Legal
Respite Care Respite Care
Spirituality Spirituality
Support Group/Counseling Support Group/Counseling