Harmony House
Pendleton Ave
Chicopee, MA 01020

Region: Western

Harmony House

Description of resource: Social model home that provides care to those with terminal illnesses whose prognosis is 3 months or less. Residents receive Hospice care from various Hospice providers of their choice, with harmony house staff providing around the clock non-skilled care, acting as the residents’ surrogate family.

Contact: Karen Buscemi, NP- BOD
Phone: 413-331-5252
email: harmonyhousewma@gmail.com
website: http://harmonyhousewma.org


Services provided:

Alzheimer's/Dementia Alzheimer's/Dementia
Complementary Health Complementary Health
Home Support Home Support
Hospice Hospice
Information Information
Respite Care Respite Care
Spirituality Spirituality